Football Drama game release live stream

Football Drama game release live stream

Use a Youtube video as page background on mobile devices

Use a Youtube video as page background on mobile devices

The HTML5 ‘playsInline’ video property is almost stable and available on all the recent mobile browsers. What does it mean? The  playsInline property let any HTML5 video to play in place instead of opening it as a new overlay window…

Use a Vimeo® video as background of your page

Use a Vimeo® video as background of your page

We are more and more experiencing the use of background videos on web pages; They are visually capturing our attention giving more informations about the content of the website then a text or an image can do. There are two possible…

YTPlayer. Use the same background video cross pages

YTPlayer. Use the same background video cross pages

With the last 3.0.13 release of the jquery.mb.YTPlayer plug-in I’ve introduced a new option that lets the same video across different pages to start at the same point you left on the previous page. This is quite useful if you…

mb.YTPlayer 3.0 for Wordpress

mb.YTPlayer 3.0 for WordPress

The next major release of the WordPress mb.YTPlayer plug-in will have a surprise. For many years this plug-in has been distributed for free asking for a donation to the author (me) to sustain the development. This politic did not give…

How to Mask the mb.YTPlayer background video

How to Mask the mb.YTPlayer background video

With the last 3.0 release of my YTPlayer plugin I introduced the ability to create a mask (simply a PNG file) that covers the player giving at the video you are playing a particular effect.

How to customize the appearence of your mb.miniAudioPlayer Wordpress plug-in

How to customize the appearence of your mb.miniAudioPlayer WordPress plug-in

In this short video I’m explaining how you can create a custom skin for your miniAudioPlayer and use that in your wordpress site. [youtube_sc url=”2WldUObmRZ4″ title=”miniAudioPlayer%20custom%20skin%20″ width=”800″ height=”520″ theme=”light” modestbranding=”1″ fs=”1″ loop=”1″ cc_load_policy=”1″ iv_load_policy=”3″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″]

Firefox and the Youtube video quality issue

Firefox and the Youtube video quality issue

Google recently switched to adaptive videos streaming on YouTube by using Media Source Extensions. This technology generates media streams for playback in JavaScript allowing dynamic change of video quality and a more accurate control of the stream. You can check what…

Wordpress mb.miniAudioPlayer, a short tutorial

WordPress mb.miniAudioPlayer, a short tutorial

[youtube=] I just published a major update of the miniAudioPlayer plugin for WordPress. This video shows how it works and how you can customize each instance of the player on your WordPress posts. You can get this plug in from…