jquery.mb.bgndGallery 1.7.5. Make your custom transition

jquery.mb.bgndGallery 1.7.5. Make your custom transition

I’ve just updated the mb.bgndGallery adding some defaults effects for an easy implementation. For all of you that where getting creasy on how to set the correct transition for the sliding images, this update introduces some built in effects you…

jQuery 1.9 is out… and $.browser has been removed – a fast workaround

With the new 1.9 jQuery release they removed definitely their $.browser method. Surely many of you used this thousand of time to catch specific browsers; now it doesn’t work anymore. Here is a fast and short piece of code you…

Wordpress mb.miniAudioPlayer, a short tutorial

WordPress mb.miniAudioPlayer, a short tutorial

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Dr4aUNGgo] I just published a major update of the miniAudioPlayer plugin for WordPress. This video shows how it works and how you can customize each instance of the player on your WordPress posts. You can get this plug in from…